
Let us help you find answers to your questions!

Mid-Continent Concrete’s Resources are a wealth of essential tools tailored for your success. Engage with our user-friendly material calculators to optimize your projects and streamline your calculations. Plus, expedite your journey with us by accessing our credit application directly. We’ve curated these resources to empower your decisions, ensuring a seamless experience with Mid-Continent Concrete. Dive in and leverage our tools to elevate your projects today!

Build with Strength

BUILD WITH STRENGTHâ„¢ is a coalition of architects, builders, engineers, emergency services personnel, and policymakers promoting the benefits of ready mixed concrete, and encouraging its use as the building material of choice.

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Resources & Downloads

Credit Application

Apply for credit with this online application link! If you have questions, please call us at (479) 782-0291.


If you already have your measurements, you can use our handy calculators to estimate how much material you will need.